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lions for lambs quote german general

"Americans are good fighters with nerve and recklessness.". He died on 18 April 1937 ", "As entertainment, 'Lions' whimpers rather than roars", "Lions for Lambs Movie Review: Political drama feels more like a lecture", "Disjointed plots butcher the powerful potential in 'Lions for Lambs', "Bottom Line: An honest but a bit dry attempt at a serious discussion on the merits of current U.S. military strategies",, Films with screenplays by Matthew Michael Carnahan, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 28 January 2023, at 08:12. Liddell Hart, who had vetted Clark's manuscript, ought to have known it. It stars Redford, Tom Cruis. Whether Roth gave in and toed the company line or quit her job is not clear. The lions? The unit commanders attempt a rescue of the downed soldiers, sending A-10 Warthogs, but the weather, time, and distance interfere. But you're never gonna be the same person you are right now. 12. This break from traditional politics was an opportunity to look at things anew. [10], In the Second World War Erwin Rommel said it about the British after he captured Tobruk. But no, many Christian Right leaders are supremely pragmatic and operate under the lesser-of-two evils approach when deciding between candidates and issues. David Lloyd George's view sums up the attitude of many people towards Haig and other British generals of World War One.. But what have we been doing for the past six years, Senator? (1963) and the comedy television series Blackadder Goes Forth (1989) are two well-known works of popular culture, depicting the war as a matter of incompetent donkeys sending noble (or sometimes ignoble, in the case of Blackadder) lions to their doom. 3. It was the first Cruise/Wagner Productions film since the company joined with United Artists subsequent to Cruise's falling out with Paramount Pictures in 2006. Impressed by the bravery of the British soldiers, if not their officers, who were often given their commission because of social ranking, not military prowess, he wrote, "Never have I seen such Lions led by such Lambs." This expos to the larger evangelical community was long overdue. A great memorable quote from the Lions for Lambs movie on - Ernest Rodriguez: The men who lead do work when there's work to be done. Plutarch attributed to Chabrias the saying that "an army of deer commanded by a lion is more to be feared than an army of lions commanded by a deer". [25] Some current academic opinion has described this school of thought as "discredited". The 1964 seminal and award-winning BBC Television The Great War has been described as taking a moderate approach, with co-scriptwriter John Terraine fighting against what he viewed as an oversimplification, while Liddell Hart resigned as an advising historian to the series, in an open letter to The Times, in part over a dispute with Terraine, claiming that he minimised the faults of the High Command on The Somme and other concerns regarding the treatment of Third Ypres. Christians lack of political and cultural success is of enormous significance, yet most evangelical and pro-family voters who support Christian Right organizations with their votes, lobbying, and funds seem oblivious to the gravity of the losses and depth of cultural demise. . I threw all my extra energies into studying the crisis in K-12 public education, and how to advance K-12 Christian schools and home schooling. (On leur avait rpt tout le long de la campagne le mot du Times: "Vous tes des lions conduits par des nes! . This event and my subsequent interview with national columnist Kathleen Parker on the failure of the Christian Right in The Washington Post published April 4, 2009, entitled [article name] represented my official break with the Christian Right leadership. In their book, Deace and Jackson analyze the failure of the Christian Right and pro-family leadership, also sometimes identified with the political wing of the evangelical movement, to halt the cultural and moral slide of the family, church, and culture in the USA. Sola Sciptura should be followed in the realm of public policy and politics as well as in doctrine, missiology, and church affairs. It was the first Cruise/Wagner Productions film since the company joined with United Artists subsequent to Cruise's falling out with Paramount Pictures in 2006.[6]. The frontline workers in health care are heroes. You only have to look around at the state of America today to see the failure of Christian cultural and political regeneration writ large. (02.05.1852 - 18.04.1937) Hayes is watching television with a friend. Until Lambs become Lions. Janine Roth: Says the man in the air-conditioned room. OBH, General der Artillerie Senator Jasper Irving: [pauses while looking at his watch] Ten minutes ago. Top Five Reasons NOT to Send Your Kids Back to Public School, Developing a Biblical Philosophy of Education, Steps to Start a Traditional Christian School, National Home Education Research Institute. Bond objected to the way that, in the 1960s, the works of Remarque and the "Trench Poets" slipped into a "nasty caricature" and perpetuated the "myth" of lions led by donkeys, while "the more complicated true history of the war receded into the background". Ask me, sir, Comyn said.--Wait. Professor Stephen Malley: [quoting a German General] Nowhere else have I seen such lions led by such lambs. [3], The musical Oh, What a Lovely War! We need models at all levels, in the hearts of those who aspire to lead, among pastors, and especially in the Christian people who support them. The major sin is the sin of being born. Student loan 6071. Later, Strachan, in reviewing Aspects of the British experience of the First World War edited by Michael Howard, observed that "In the study of the First World War in particular, the divide between professionals and amateurs has never been firmly fixed". [1] A correspondent to The Daily Telegraph, in July 1963, wrote that librarians in London and Stuttgart had not traced the quotation and a letter to Clark was unanswered. The culture is inexorably slip-sliding away to the Left. [2] The book typified the mainstream First World War history of the 1960s, was vetted by Basil Liddell Hart and helped to form a popular view of the First World War (in the English-speaking world) in the decades that followed. When conservatives and their Christian allies win elections they still lose because the left controls primary and higher education, the media, the arts and our legal system; and thus they control the culture-forming institutions. "Military history a century after the Great War. Even though the critique of Gregg Jackson and Steve Deace is withering, it is important to note that their critique is based fully in their commitment to the goals (if not the methods) of the Christian Right and the evangelical movement. The very lions had lost their manes. 2 Mar. Rome is burning, son. Explicit results filter Learn more about SafeSearch It was released in North America on November 9, 2007, to negative reviews and disappointing box office receipts. A reporter is discussing a singer's private life, while below runs a strip announcing Senator Irving's new military plan for Afghanistan. A dull ease of the mind. hugh o'brian estate; senior analyst job description accenture. In 1990 I was mobilized as an Army Reserve Chaplain to serve in the first Gulf Was and continued on active duty until 1996, during which time I was restricted from political activity. While recent documentaries such as Channel 4's 2003 The First World War have confronted the popular image of lions led by donkeys, by reflecting current scholarship presenting more nuanced portrayals of British leaders and more balanced appraisals of the difficulties faced by the High Commands of all the combatants, they have been viewed by far fewer members of the public than either 1964's The Great War or comedies such as Blackadder. We're doing our best to make sure our content is useful, accurate and safe.If by any chance you spot an inappropriate comment while navigating through our website please use this form to let us know, and we'll take care of it shortly. 2023. ( taglines) Contents 1 Professor Stephen Malley 2 Senator Jasper Irving 3 Dialogue The phrase is quoted in Anna Stoddart's 1906 book The Life of Isabella Bird in the scene where Isabella, en route for America in 1854, passes a troopship taking the Scot's Greys out to Balaclava. [12][13], Evelyn, Princess Blcher, an Englishwoman who lived in Berlin during the First World War, in her memoir published in 1921, recalled German general Erich Ludendorff at German General Headquarters' (Groes Hauptquartier) praising the British for their bravery: "I will put it exactly as I heard it straight from the Grosse Hauptquartier: 'The English Generals are wanting in strategy. Who just fiddle. Lions for Lambs is a 2007 film that offers a critical view of the U.S. government's prosecution of the wars in the Middle East. It grieves me to say it, but it appears that many of our Christian Right and pro-family leaders have been nave and vulnerable to the con-artistry of the political establishment in Washington, and especially of the Republican Party, which now has a virtual lock on the Christian and pro-family voter, while doing little to further their agenda except dropping rhetorical crumbs from the table time to time. It stars Redford, Tom Cruis. Lions Not Sheep OG Hat (All Black) 437 $ 35.00 USD. What do you fight for? They are lions led by donkeys. I participated in several Congressional and local campaigns until 1986 when I was invited to join the Presidential Campaign of Pat Robertson. Subsequently Snow wrote an article for the BBC in 2014 discussing 10 big myths about World War One debunked in which he posits the idea that "Much of what we think we know about the 191418 conflict is wrong" and that "This saying was supposed to have come from senior German commanders describing brave British soldiers led by incompetent old toffs from their chateaux. World War II took less than five. Senator Jasper Irving: Oh no no no no. T he Silence of the Lambs is one of the most influential films of the past thirty years. Any general to any officers. What do you stand for? I am grateful for getting a good night sleep, for trash tv getting me thorough the past week and for having some motivation back. "Lions for Lambs". Yes or no? They dont reverse the inexorable drift to the left because conservatives and Christians have failed to address the cultural component which always trumps politics. I can only hope the Christian Right will begin to heed them. They could be exhausted, understaffed, or being led badly . It stars Redford, Tom Cruise, Meryl Streep, and Andrew Garfield in his feature film debut. 2007 American war drama film by Robert Redford. The film is built not upon characters and plot but upon ideas. There is no evidence whatever for this: none. 2 Mar. And if it takes ten years, that's how long we stay, we do whatever it takes. Von Gallwitz '"[14], The phrase Lions Led by Donkeys was used as a title for a book published in 1927, by Captain P. A. Thompson. Neither Frontline Ministries, Inc. nor any of its outreaches, such as The Exodus Mandate Project, participate in lobbying, legislative activities, or partisan political campaigns. And also that I'll live to regret it? The joke making the rounds of the Russian army, that "L'arme anglaise est une arme de lions, commande par des nes" ["The English army is an army of lions led by asses"] has been thoroughly vindicated by the assault on Redan.[8]. As a result of my mission to promote Christian education, I began to be aware of the failure of the older conservative movement and Christian Right to concern themselves with the moral and Christian educational development of the children in our churches. defense of the homeland. Senator Jasper Irving: It is my responsibility, it's part of my job description to protect the American people and that is why we put this new strategy into motion now. I love the quotes, especially the one about being unsure, thank you grandmanerd. Lions For Lambs Script Roadside bombs have claimed the lives of eight US soldiers in Iraq. Roth has her doubts and fears she is being asked to become an instrument of government propaganda. As Paul says in Romans 10:3b, its a case of going about to establish their own righteousness, but have not submitted themselves to the righteousness of God.. Brian Bond, in editing a 1991 collection of essays on First World War history, expressed the collective desire of the authors to move beyond "popular stereotypes of The Donkeys", while acknowledging that serious leadership mistakes were made and that the authors would do little to rehabilitate the reputations of the senior commanders on the Somme. So I may claim, modestly but accurately, that my experience as a loyal foot soldier in both the conservative movement and Christian Right organizations is considerable and spans four decades. Colonel, USAR Ret., is founder and President of Frontline Ministries, Inc., and the Exodus Mandate Project ( a ministry to grow K-12 Christian education and home schooling. The problem's with all of us who do nothing. "Alan Clark was an amusing writer, a brilliant story teller and bon viveur. At its heart, this is an anti-war movie but, unlike . Senator Jasper Irving: How many times are you people going to ask the same question? It stars Redford, Tom Cruise, and Meryl Streep. This page was last edited on 7 August 2022, at 15:42. Its a sad task for me to write this foreword and no doubt was the same for Deace and Jackson to write the book. Our Mission: Christian Children Need Christian Education. The Great War was viewed by about a fifth of the adult population in Britain and the production of documentaries on the war has continued ever since. Matt Perman. . We're going to put our foot on their throats. Appearance Directed by Robert Redford, it uses an all-star cast which focuses attention away from the dialogue and toward the performances. Robin Hood 'Rise and rise again until lambs become lions' . "Lions for Lambs Quotes." They're past irredeemable. Lions for Lambs is a 2007 American war drama film directed by Robert Redford about the connection between a platoon of United States soldiers in Afghanistan, a U.S. senator, a reporter, and a Californian college professor. Regrettably, I can affirm that their analysis, tone, and overall conclusions are valid. I asked myself, as many others are now asking, What can you say about a movement that will not even save its own children from the destructive forces it purports to combat?. [18] MSNBC reported that Cruise was worried about how the film would perform, because of how the film industry would view him based on its success or failure at the box office. At war's outbreak, he commanded an independent cavalry corps (three divisions) on Germany's right flank during the invasion of Belgium. Now I'm asking you to help me sell the solution. I was also present at a founding meeting of the Moral Majority in Indianapolis in late 1979 with Jerry Falwell. You've already sold the war. Columbia, SC 29211 Carnahan considered it an awful way to die, and "couldn't get past it fast enough", considering he was too indifferent, "talking so much and not doing a damn thing",[8] and "the same hypocrite that I so can't stand in our country, the kind of people that will flip right past the news to get to Access Hollywood". Most of it is dead on the screen. he headed up Army Group Gallwitz and also commanded "Lions for Lambs" tells three interlocking stories: While Sen. Irving and Roth engage in their semi-flirtatious battle of wits, two soldiers stationed in Afghanistan, Ernest Rodriguez and Arian. Rather than getting captured, Arian helps Ernest stand up, facing the enemies and turning their empty weapons against them, an action which prompts the Taliban to kill them. so that news just in that baroness betty boothroyd has died at the age of 93.the boothroyd has died at the age of 93. the first woman . Looking for a place to discuss private- and homeschool-related topics with other Christian parents? The main theme of Lions for Lambs is that, contrary to what it is being commonly assumed, many top-ranking politicians in America, who define the essence of the country's foreign policies, refuse to learn the lessons of history, which in turn results in the needless deaths of American soldiers, stationed abroad. How many troops are we going to need then? Now I'm asking you to help me sell the solution. Marian 68 books view quotes : Sep 30, 2022 07:07AM. It represents the nadir in Christian Right leadership and lobbying. [9] He first considered turning it into a stage play, but the military scenes, in particular the helicopter ones, made him turn it into a film screenplay. Seventeen years earlier, when President Clinton instituted Dont ask, dont tell, these same Christian Right and pro-family groups opposed this policy from the moral high ground, asserting that homosexuals should not be allowed to serve in the armed forces under any circumstances. ABBREVIATIONS; . the German National People's Party (1920-24). June 1916. They butcher the people who helped us, who voted and were stupid enough to put their faith in our word. And when we're forced to go back in a couple years, and please quote me on this, we'll be squared off against a shattered Iraq, a hopeless Afghanistan, and a nuclear Iran. Malley tests him by offering a choice between a respectable grade of 'B' in the class with no additional work required or a final opportunity to re-engage with the material of the class and "do something." can you remember who said that?" Copyright 1995-2017 Frontline Ministries, Inc. All Rights Reserved. "[23] A USA Today review gave the film two and a half stars as well, in a negative review titled: "As entertainment, 'Lions' whimpers rather than roars. You have. [12] While several reviewers in the UK have criticized the film for misquoting the commonly used phrase of "lions led by donkeys",[13][14] in an article written for The Times on the origin of the title, Brian Dimuccio and Dino Vindeni claimed that: One such composition included the observation, 'Nowhere have I seen such Lions led by such Lambs.' STANDS4 LLC, 2023. Web. Plot - Inspired by the words of Dr. Stephen Malley, their idealistic professor of Political Science at West Coast University, Arian and Ernest decide to do something important and meaningful in their lives: they join the army to fight in Afghanistan. Paul said to me,Youre doing the right thing by getting families and churches to place their children in Christian school or home schooling. Karl Wilhelm von Gallwitz The subtitle of this book was "Showing how victory in the Great War was achieved by those who made the fewest mistakes".[15]. We walk, and Afghanistan reverts back to the Taliban. Professor Stephen Malley: [quoting a German General] Nowhere else have I seen such lions led by such lambs. 2023. Lions for Lambs is a 2007 American war drama film directed by Robert Redford about the connection between a platoon of United States soldiers in Afghanistan, a U.S. senator, a reporter, and a California college professor. distinguished service against Russian forces in Galicia. Lions for Lambs is a 2007 American war drama film directed by Robert Redford about the connection between a platoon of United States soldiers in Afghanistan, a U.S. senator, a reporter, and a California . An Irish newspaper claimed that "The name of the film is derived from a remark made by a German officer during World War I, comparing British soldiers' bravery with the calculated criminality of their commanders". [4] Hew Strachan quoted Maurice Genevoix for the proposition "[i]f it is neither desirable nor good that the professional historian prevail over the veteran; it is also not good that the veteran prevail over the historian" and then proceeded to take Liddell Hart to task for "suppressing the culminating battles of the war", thus "allow[ing] his portrayal of British generals to assume an easy continuum, from incompetence on the Western Front to conservatism in the 1920s."[4] While British leadership at the beginning of the war made costly mistakes, by 191516 the General Staff were making great efforts to lessen British casualties through better tactics (night attacks, creeping barrages and air power) and weapons technology (poison gas and later the arrival of the tank). Breakfast, Sandwiches, Lunch & More. hour. Artillery officer General von Gallwitz PO Box 12072 Neena 166 books view quotes : Jan 24, 2023 12:15AM. That We Wont Be Fooled Again is so late coming shows the patience of many activists who have doubted the value these major pro-family organizations for years, yet continued to hope and pray for wise and effective leaders to emerge. awarded the Pour le Merite in 1915 for On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. I'm still here, Todd, because I'm a selfish man. My hope is that all who want to save what is left of our country and begin the vital work of regeneration and restoration, will heed its invaluable insights. [9][incomplete short citation], There were numerous examples of its use during the First World War, referring to both the British and the Germans. Senator Jasper Irving: Writ small. Answer (1 of 2): From Google: The title of Robert Redford's "Lions for Lambs" comes from a comment made by a German officer in World War I about the bravery of British soldiers compared to the criminal stupidity of their commanders. [bettersourceneeded]. The STANDS4 Network. Lions for Lambs is a 2007 American war drama film directed by Robert Redford about the connection between a platoon of United States soldiers in Afghanistan, a U.S. senator, a reporter, and a Californian college professor. university of languages and international studies vietnam national university, hanoi faculty of english language teacher education apa formatting and style guide table of contents table of contents I have been part of this movement since my college days and have participated in many of the organizations and political campaigns described in this book. Photos (60) Photo Gallery; The problem's with all of us who do nothing." (Robert Redford) "Nowhere else have I seen such lions led by such lambs." The contention is that the brave soldiers were sent to their deaths by incompetent and indifferent leaders ().The phrase was the source of the title of one of the most scathing examinations of British First World War generals, The Donkeysa study . BY RAY BENNETT, OCTOBER 22, 2007. "Cruise rolls out 'Lions for Lambs': Film puts stars on frontlines of political debate", "Matthew Michael Carnahan Explains Lions for Lambs Agenda", "The Week in Arts: Redford's sheepish response", "What's the significance of the title 'Lions for Lambs'? Senator Jasper Irving: In sense we're both on the same team. What do you live for? These and other Crimean War references were included in British Channel 4 television's The Crimean War series (1997) and the accompanying book (Michael Hargreave Mawson, expert reader). British generals were not the only ones to make mistakes about the nature of modern conflict: the Russian armies too suffered badly during the first years of the war, most notably at the Battle of Tannenberg. Watch any crime TV show or gritty detective movie and you'll see the movie's impact in spades. Share. Ernest Rodriguez: The men who lead do work when there's work to be done. We're doing our best to make sure our content is useful, accurate and safe.If by any chance you spot an inappropriate comment while navigating through our website please use this form to let us know, and we'll take care of it shortly. You get married, you get into debt but you're never gonna be the same person you are right now.. Web. While the exact provenance of this quotation has been lost to history, most experts agree it was written during the Battle of the Somme, one of the bloodiest clashes in modern warfare. The title of "Lions for Lambs", the Robert Redford film starring Tom Cruise and Meryl Streep was inspired by a scene in the film where college professor Dr. Stephen Malley (Redford) assails the. It's very fickle, and it just might not be there anymore. I'm selfish for the rare times when you know you have someone in your class that has rare gifts to go on and do big things on a big scale. English soldiers fought like lions, but had the grave misfortune. Psychiatric deaths - Leave: *Mart (Shop & Drop - Emilio/ Amolo/ Stanley Njindo/Wambui/ Muigai/ Nyambura/ Murungi/ Clifford/ Nikki/ MaDvD)/ Tired (Njenga - Kilimani)/ Fed up (Atwoli - Upper Hill: Mary Ki*loba - KTN/ George Muchai - COTU Deputy)/ Valuation (Owiti - Koinange/ Chiromo/ Lavington Green)/ Uncooperative (Catherine - Ugali: work/ Mboga: easy/ Meat: travel)<br><br>What Would Jesus Do . We lose even when we win because culture always trumps politics., In February 2009 I attended the National Religious Broadcasters convention in Nashville and published a report card on the major Christian Right organizations involved in the culture was, and on their failure to fully support K-12 Christian education or home schooling over the public schools. We have noticed that there is an issue with your subscription billing details. We're determined. Registered office: 1 London Bridge Street, SE1 9GF. Lt. Col. Falco: I would love to talk to the motherf***er that said this mountaintop was secure. Watching the slaughter of his heroic enemies, a German general remarked sadly, Nowhere have I seen such lions led by such lambs.. The choice between the lesser of two evils is still evil. In turn, our so-called leaders have tried to con the average evangelical Christian voter and contributor with reports of energetic political and lobbying activities, even though these efforts do nothing to arrest the moral, cultural, and political rot. Max One historian wrote that "the idea that they were indifferent to the sufferings of their men is constantly refuted by the facts, and only endures because some commentators wish to perpetuate the myth that these generals, representing the upper classes, did not give a damn what happened to the lower orders". "[27] The New York Times also mentioned the amount of dialogue in the film, writing: "It's a long conversation, more soporific than Socratic, and brimming with parental chiding, generational conflict and invocations of Vietnam," and the Los Angeles Times described the lecturing in the film as "dull and self-satisfied. German tactics are routinely criticised for involving the immediate counterattacking of lost ground, leading to lopsided losses in essentially defensive actions. At war's outbreak, he "[19] On Metacritic, the film had an average score of 47 out of 100, based on 36 reviews. Lions and Lambs Conflict in Weimar and the Creation of Post-Nazi Germany by Noah Benezra Strote 376 Pages, 6.12 x 9.25 x 1.00 in Hardcover 9780300219050 Published: Tuesday, 30 May 2017 $43.00 Buy Also Available At: Amazon Barnes & Noble Bookshop Indiebound Indigo Powell's Seminary Co-op Description Authors Praise Related Books The phrase has been applied more broadly to the leaders on both sides, implying that the War was a pointless waste of life, regardless of the technical competence or otherwise of generals on either side. Janine Roth. [26][27] Strachan quotes Gavin Stamp, who bemoans "a new generation of military historians", who seem as "callous and jingoistic" as Haig, while himself referring to the "ill-informed diatribes of Wolff and Clark".[23]. Janine Roth: We took Iraq? Of being born they dont reverse the inexorable drift to the Left else have I seen such lions by! When deciding between candidates and issues registered office: 1 London Bridge,. Doubt was the same person you are Right now at 15:42 tactics are routinely criticised involving... Operate under the lions for lambs quote german general evils approach when deciding between candidates and issues inexorable drift to motherf. Script Roadside bombs have claimed the lives of eight us soldiers in Iraq things.! But you 're never gon na be the same person you are Right now,. Robin Hood & # x27 ; Rise and Rise again until lambs become lions & # ;. Books view quotes: Sep 30, 2022 07:07AM uses an all-star cast which focuses attention away from dialogue... 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